Jalouise has 25 years experience in providing outstanding service to our tenants.
We are currently accommodating NEC Australia. In the past, we have accommodated the Department of Attorney General, Department of Corrections, NT Treasury, NT Worksafe, the Department of Lands, Planning & the Environment, and the Department of Mines. Under our strict supervision, we have an impeccable track record of engaging leading NT organisations to service and maintain our buildings.
We work closely with NT Property Management (‘NTPM’) to ensure we provide a seamless service and wherever possible, exceed our tenants’ expectations.
Jalouise maintains a focus on high quality commercial accommodation. We do not operate in the retail and residential markets.
"We have received positive feedback from our clients in respect to our willingness to negotiate mutually acceptable outcomes, work collaboratively and pay diligent attention to our customers needs."
Our experience as Lessors for Government Departments
Department of Justice and Attorney General
Department of Corrections
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and the Environment
Department of Education Employment and Training
Northern Territory Treasury
Northern Territory Worksafe
Department of Mines