Over 110 years ago, Michael Canaris arrived in Australia by ship from the small Greek island of Kastellorizo and made his way in 1916, to an equally small, but growing Darwin settlement, a tough, rugged outback village on the other side of the world.

In the early 1930s, Michael returned with his family from northern Queensland and settled in ‘Greek Town’ on The Esplanade. The first Canaris family home was situated on the cliff-tops in today's Bicentennial Park where the USS Peary Memorial now sits.

The directors of Jalouise share this common ancestry. There has been an unbroken association of the Canaris, Liveris and Mitaros families with Darwin and the Northern Territory over five generations, and all three families have been heavily involved in the community and commerce of the city and the Territory.

Click on the two links below to read more about our history: