Thank you for taking the time to understand our safety expectations.
We are serious about safety and expect, at a minimum that relevant Work Health Safety Legislation, along with Codes of Practice and Australian Standards be followed when you are carrying our work on our Building Assets.
We make our Safety Consultant available to answer any questions or provide guidance on how you can meet or safety expectations as required.
If you are interested in providing services to or have been engaged by Jalousie please complete the following steps to ensure that you understand our requirements and we have time to assess your compliance prior to your start date.
Step 1 – Familiarise yourself with our Information for Contractors Document
Step 2 – Utilise our free template documents while preparing your safety documentation, if required.
Step 3 – Fill in our Contractors WHS Questionnaire and submit for assessment
Step 4 – Arrange a time to meet with our Safety Consultant for induction
Step 5 – Start on site and complete works as specified once approval has been granted